News In Brief
MBC GROUP breaks social media views record during Ramadan 2021
MBC GROUP, the largest media company in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA), announces its best-ever social media video views to date.
The Group’s programming and content has set a new all-time record – achieving social media video views of more than 8.8 billion during this Ramadan 2021 season. Logged between 13 April to 12 May this year, the total number of social media video views marks an increase of 32% compared to the same season last year.
MBC GROUP’s content is proving popular amongst all major social media platforms. For example, it is now one of the top performing media companies on TikTok, recording more than 472 million views during Ramadan 2021. Meanwhile, Snapchat achieved a phenomenal 4.2 billion views - an increase of 392% compared to Ramadan of last year.
Moreover, MBC GROUP continues to rank highly on Tubular Labs’ leaderboard for global media and entertainment entities. After first entering its Top 10 last year, it is currently in ninth place as per latest results.
“These record results reflect just how strong MBC GROUP’s content was for the Ramadan 2021 season,” stated Mofeed Alnowaisir, Chief Digital Officer at MBC GROUP. “Our investment into our social media and digital projects has increased by 1414% compared to the same time last year.
“Through our social media platforms, MBC GROUP has succeeded in offering a hugely diverse range of content for the Arab public, no matter where they are based. It’s our drive to offer the very best of content and programming that results in us continuously topping views online.
“More than 8.8 billion social media views in a single month is a phenomenal record never before achieved by a Middle East media company. We are immensely proud of this milestone.”
Top series and other programmes showcased this Ramadan 2021 season that performed well via social media include the Saudi comedy, “Studio 21”; Egyptian prank show, “Ramez Aqlo Tar”; and the drama, “Mamnou' Al Tajawwol”. “Souk Al Hareer” and “Seen” were also popular amongst audiences.